
Weekly Legislative Update
July 11, 2022

TIA 2022 Position Papers

The TIA Board of Directors recently updated and approved the TIA position papers for the 117th Congress. These position papers serve as a living document. These position papers will be distributed in the coming weeks. If you have any questions or concerns contact Roy Littlefield IV at

TIA serves a vital role in representing all aspects of the tire industry at both the state and federal levels of government. The association works to protect the best interests of its members against legislative and regulatory issues that could threaten the industry's growth and well-being. TIA takes leadership positions on legislative matters that could impact our member's bottom line.

The Tire Industry Association (TIA) is an international non-profit association representing all segments of the tire industry, including those that manufacture, repair, recycle, sell, service or use new or retreaded tires, and also those suppliers or individuals who furnish equipment, material or services to the industry. The mission of TIA is to promote tire safety through training and education, to act as the principal advocate in government affairs, and to enhance the image and professionalism of the industry so that our member businesses may be more successful.

TIA has over 13,000 members from all 50 states and around the globe.

CLICK HERE to view the 2022 TIA position papers.

Massachusetts Right to Repair Law, Delayed Again

Citing the need to “consider fully the implications of the long anticipated decision” in West Virginia v. Environmental Protection Agency—which was not issued by the U.S. Supreme Court until the last day of its term on June 30, 2022—the Massachusetts federal court in Alliance for Automotive Innovation v. Healy issued a notice on July 1, 2022 informing the parties that the court would not be able to meet a self-imposed deadline to issue a decision by that date on a challenge brought by an industry trade association to a right to repair ballot initiative passed by Massachusetts voters in November 2020.

TIA is disappointed by the delay and hoping for a ruling in two weeks.

DOL Targets Proposed Rule on OT Exemptions for October

The Federal Government recently released the biannual regulatory agenda, in which DOL targets October 2022 for release of a proposed rule on overtime pay exemptions.

TIA is disappointed that DOL plans to move forward with the proposed rule despite the current economic conditions.

TIA will be exploring avenues for advocacy, including legislation or appropriations riders that delay the rule.

Please keep us posted on your own efforts and conversations you have with lawmakers about this issue.

House Transportation Appropriations Mark-up

On Thursday, June 30 the House Appropriations Committee voted out of committee the FY 2023 transportation-housing appropriations bill.

Prior to the markup, TIA wrote to the Committee urging funding for highways above-authorized levels. The bill includes $1.75 billion for highways above-authorized levels, even though the Administration recommended no highway funding above authorizations. Now the focus moves to the House floor and the Senate. In the Senate, Appropriations Chairman Leahy (D-VT) has announced an intention to mark up bills in July. TIA has written to the Senate Committee as it did to the House –- urging inclusion of strong funding for highways above-authorized levels.

Link to the bill as ordered and reported by the House Committee (exclusive of any minor last-minute amendments) here:

House Transportation & Infrastructure Committee Focuses on Roadway Safety

The House T&I Committee hosted a hearing on the importance of roadway safety and specific programs and policies included in the IIJA bill passed last fall. The hearing included discussion by Members of Congress and witnesses on the seriousness of the roadway safety crisis and how it should be addressed, including:

  • The importance of lowering car speeds as a primary method for improving road safety
  • The historic prioritization of vehicles on roadways rather than as a shared space for pedestrians and bicyclists
  • The need for states and locales to have flexibility in how they invest Federal safety funding as the needs of urban areas will not be the same as rural communities, along with ensuring the flow of freight.

Support TIA’s Government Affairs Efforts in Washington
TopGolf Challenge

TIA has organized a golf outing at TopGolf Las Vegas to benefit TIA’s government affairs efforts. The fun-filled day will include reserved bays, two-hours of golf, food, drinks and fun!

TIA serves a vital role representing all aspects of the tire industry at the state and federal levels of government protecting its members’ interests. TIA takes leadership positions on legislative matters that could impact our member’s bottom line including taxes, general business and employment issues, right to repair laws, and health care reform.

Join us for a fun-filled afternoon of golf, laughter and networking for a worthy cause. There’s no pressure –whether you’re an avid golfer or have never swung a club, TopGolf is the spot for you. We hope you can join us for this afternoon of fun to support the association.

Sunday, October 30, 2022
2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
TopGolf Las Vegas

CLICK HERE for more information and sponsorship opportunities.