
Weekly Legislative Update
May 16, 2022

ACTION ALERT! Tell Congress to Pass the Repair Act!

This year, TIA has supported the introduction of H.R. 6570, the Right to Equitable and Professional Auto Industry Repair Act, or the REPAIR Act, in the 117th Congress introduced in the House by Representative Bobby Rush (D-IL). This is the latest chapter in the Right to Repair fight with the vehicle manufacturers, to preserve competition in vehicle repair and maintenance. TIA has been working on adding co-sponsors to the legislation.

TIA is working with the Auto Care Association to allow for our members to send a letter to their member of Congress on this issue. The vehicle manufacturers and car dealers have about 250 lobbyists working for them – our side has nothing like it – that’s why a strong grassroots initiative is the only way we win in this scenario.

We are providing this simple link that takes everyone right to the Take Action webpage.

Urge your lawmakers to put vehicle owners’ interests first by supporting Right to Repair legislation for the auto repair industry.

As vehicle technology has advanced, new barriers to a competitive repair market have emerged. It’s essential for American motorists that we break down barriers to vehicle repair, and that owners and their trusted independent repair shops have access to the critical information, tools, and parts needed to keep their cars or trucks on the road safer, longer.


  • Protect a pro-consumer and competitive motor vehicle repair market;
  • Provide independent repair shops with the rights to critical information, tools, and equipment needed to repair modern cars and trucks; and
  • Task the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration with developing cybersecurity standards and guidelines to protect vehicle data and systems when repair and maintenance data is accessed by vehicle owners or their designees.

TIA Mourns Passing of Secretary Norm Mineta

Former US Department of Transportation Secretary and longtime Honorary Chairman of the American Highway Users Alliance passed away on May 3, 2022 at 90 years old.

TIA is very saddened to hear of the passing of Secretary Norm Mineta. He was a towering figure in transportation and leaves an indelible impact on the industry. His tireless work to improve mobility for the nation was pivotal in establishing policies that helped move the needle to enhance transportation for all.

TIA sends our most sincere condolences to Norm’s family and friends. He will be deeply missed.

Norm Mineta served as Secretary of Transportation under the George W. Bush Administration and Secretary of Commerce under Bill Clinton’s Administration. In 2006, Secretary Mineta received the Presidential Medal of Freedom. He began his political career as mayor of San Jose in 1971 and proceeded to serve 10 Congressional terms.

TIA has been represented in a leadership position at the Highway Users Alliance for many years and developed a close relationship with Secretary Mineta.

Mineta leaves behind an immense legacy for the entire transportation industry.


On May 11th, the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee (EPW) held a hearing Oversight of the Council on Environmental Quality - A Year in Review with the CEQ Chair, Brenda Mallory as the witness. At the same time, the Administration released a “Permitting Action Plan.” The White House fact sheet says this will “Accelerate and Deliver Infrastructure Projects on Time, On Task and Budget.” This was largely an announcement that steps will be taken in the future, not an announcement of actions, but it appears actions are coming soon. The emphasis of the permitting action plan seems to be on more extensive review, particularly as to climate change factors. Not surprisingly, House T&I Republicans criticized the plan in a short statement:

In short, we will monitor specific proposed actions by CEQ that are part of this plan where there is an opportunity for comment.

A link to the White House release (within the release is a link to the plan itself):

During the Senate EPW hearing, a range of concerns were expressed regarding environmental regulations and recent actions to repeal modifications to NEPA under the previous Administration. The hearing confirmed the different priorities and views of members of the committee. As a refresher, AHUA comments to CEQ from November 15, 2021, can be found here.

Senator Shelley Moore Capito (R-WV), Ranking Member of EPW, and others on the Committee, questioned Mallory and expressed concern with critical infrastructure project delays -