
Antitrust Policy

TIA has a policy of strict compliance with federal and state antitrust laws. TIA members should avoid discussing certain subjects when they are together – both at formal TIA membership, Board of Directors, committee and other meetings and in informal contacts with other industry members – and should otherwise adhere strictly to the following guidelines:

  • DO NOT discuss prices, fees or rates, or features that can impact (raise, lower or stabilize) prices such as discounts, costs, salaries or terms and conditions of sale. Members can discuss pricing models, methods, systems and applications, as well as certain cost matters that do not lead to an agreement or consensus on prices or fees to be charged. However, there can be no discussion as to what constitutes a reasonable, fair or appropriate price or fee to charge for any service or product. 
  • DO NOT agree with competitors as to uniform terms of sale, warranties or contract provisions.
  • DO NOT exchange data concerning fees, prices, production, sales, bids, costs, salaries, customer credit or other business practices unless the exchange is made pursuant to a well-considered plan that has been approved by TIA’s legal counsel.
  • DO NOT agree with competitors to divide up customers, markets or territories.
  • DO NOT agree with competitors not to deal with certain suppliers or others.
  • DO NOT try to prevent a supplier from selling to your competitor(s).
  • DO NOT discuss your customers with your competitors.
  • DO NOT agree to any association membership restrictions, standard-setting, certification, accreditation or self-regulation programs without the restrictions or programs having been approved by TIA’s legal counsel.
  • DO insist that TIA meetings that have agendas are circulated in advance and that minutes of all meetings properly reflect the actions taken at the meeting. All TIA meetings generally should have written agendas prepared and circulated in advance.
  • DO leave any meeting (formal or informal) where improper subjects are being discussed. Tell everyone why you are leaving.
  • DO ensure that only TIA staff sends out all written and electronic correspondence on behalf of TIA and that TIA officers, directors, committee members or other members do not hold themselves out as speaking or acting with the authority of TIA when they do not, in fact, have such authority.
  • DO ensure that if questions arise about the legal aspects of TIA’s activities or your individual responsibilities under the antitrust laws, you seek advice and counsel from your own counsel or from the staff and counsel of TIA.